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Saturday, December 10, 2016

We are to worship God only

December 10
Scripture Reading
Read 2 Kings 17:34-39 and reflect on the passage.

We are to worship God only. In Romans 8, Paul writes, “therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ the law of the Spirit has set you free from the law of sin and death.” His argument is that those who believe in Jesus have his Spirit living in them. They are no longer living from the motivations of their flesh but from the guidance of the Spirit. And that guidance is more than enough. 

During the time the Old Testament book of 2 Kings takes place, Jesus had not yet come and his Spirit had not yet been distributed to believers to guide them. God’s chosen people, the Israelites—our spiritual ancestors—had been exiled by God to Babylon for worshiping idols, imitating the nations around them in gratifying their flesh, and for breaking God’s commandments of having no other gods and making images to worship. They broke the covenant God had made with them. They forgot that God had brought them out of Egypt “with mighty power and outstretched arm.” God wasn’t enough for them. They wanted more. Is He enough for you? His Spirit has taken up residence in the hearts of those who believe in Him. He guides us in wisdom and understanding.

1.      How has having the Spirit of Christ living in your heart changed you?
2.      Have you resolved that God is enough for you and that you will only worship him?
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, You are enough for us. You satisfy our deepest longings for worship, for knowing and for being known. Amen.

—Dave Fullen

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