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Sunday, December 11, 2016


December 11
  1. Write out the Psalm passage.
  2. What images came to mind when you heard these words?
  3. How does this passage stretch your understanding of God?

Have someone close in a simple prayer.
Conclude together by saying “We go now in peace, ending this time in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.” Blow out the candle.

Here are some other ways you can put your faith into 
practice with this week’s focus of  “Everywhere.”
For Adults
Lean into a more conversational tone of prayer this week. Tell God what you ate that day, tell Him how work went, tell him about what your kids did, tell Him what annoyed you, tell Him what excited you, tell Him what you are doing this weekend. Pray to God just as if you are talking to a friend, sharing about everything. Where do you notice God’s presence?
For Teens
Grab a small journal or piece of paper, one that could fit in your pocket or purse. Make tally marks on the page every time you see something that reminds you that God is with you. Start over with new marks each day and see if your tally number goes up throughout the week as you notice more and more moments that remind you He is there.
For Kids
Have your child draw different pictures of them and God throughout the week. Have them pick a normal activity and draw God and them going through life together. Example: Draw a picture at school, doing chores, or playing. Explain to them that whatever they are doing and wherever they are, God is with them.
—Catherine Scurria & David White

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