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Saturday, January 7, 2017

A Messiah is coming

6 January
Scripture Reading
Read Isaiah 9:1-7 and reflect on the passage.

Davey couldn’t believe his eyes. There in the midst of the ripped wrapping paper, torn ribbons, and crumpled bows was the gift he had not dared to hope for. It was the present that all the boys wanted, but he never thought his parents could afford it—an electric race car track. He was stunned and speechless. Finally, he looked up at his parents, who likewise were caught up in the moment, with joy. Davey flung himself into their loving arms.

Isaiah, the prophet, announced to God’s people that the Lord was intent upon giving them something that they dared not hope for—that God would give them a Messiah, who would not only be a just and fair ruler but who would actually be God Himself— Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. This is the gift that exceeds all our imaginations—something beyond what we could hope for.
The joy and wonder of Christmas is that we have a God who delights to give to His children. He loves to amaze us with His generosity. He relishes the moment when He catches us by surprise. His heart overflows with joy as we run into His arms.

1.      What is the moment in your Christmas memories when you were caught by surprise the most?
2.      What is it about God’s love for you that you know is far more than you deserve or could expect?
Father, I give You thanks that You are who You are—One who delights in surprising us with gifts. Warm my heart with gratitude to run into Your arms with joy. Amen.

—David Mann 

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