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Thursday, January 5, 2017

God makes His salvation known

 January 5
Scripture Reading
Read Psalm 98 and reflect on the passage.

Why do we sing to the Lord with voices raised? Why do we clap and lift our hands up to heaven? Why might tears come to our eyes? Praising God through music connects us to what it means to have God in our lives. It is our way of expressing joy, love, and gratitude for His daily presence. Our praise honors the most wonderful gift God has given us that though we are sinners He created a way for us to have salvation and spend eternity in Heaven. He sent Jesus to save us from our sins and He deserves our never-ending praise.

Perhaps you didn’t trust the Lord as much as you should have during the past year. Perhaps bad things have overshadowed the good in your life. You may be struggling to feel God’s presence. God allows us to go through trials so we learn to trust Him. As we enter the New Year hope can come through our resolution to renew our trust in God who can make all things new. When we trust God, the desire of our hearts will turn to praise for His wonderful salvation.

1.      Do you like to sing? Sing a favorite praise song. Hum if you don’t remember the words. Enjoy praising God for His love and faithfulness.
2.      What do you need to give to God trusting Him to help you make necessary changes in your life during this New Year?

God, I want this New Year to be different for me. I ask for Your help and strength as I entrust my life to You. Amen.
—Judy Mathis

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