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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Be Filled with the Holy Spirit

I stood at the bedside of my patient (a mountain renaissance man,) watching his last breath. Only I and his young friend were with him.  His friend had begun praying in “what sounded to me like an old Indian dialect.” Suddenly a strong wind blew through the room taking down whatever was not secured. It left as quickly as it had come and I knew (my friend and patient) Jesse had gone Home.

The mystery of the Spirit – “The wind blows where it wishes” — where it wills,” free and not constrained.  It is by the will of the Spirit and not of man. (reference John 3:8.)

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be ignorant, but understand what the Lord’s will is.  (Ephesians 5:15-17)
Paul spoke of a problem that is personal and present with us all, the times and circumstances in which we live. He admonishes us to walk carefully, to act wisely and discern what is not in accordance with the counsel of the Holy Spirit living within us - a person as well as a mighty force.
Among the gifts of the Holy Spirit are love, hope and faith.  We don’t receive these gifs through our parentage, education or good works. These are gifts grafted into our spirits as we walk in His Spirit.

Without the Holy Spirit (mediated through the Cross of Jesus,) we are destined to lives of fear and pain. When we grasp the reality of the Cross and sublimate all to the will of the Holy Spirit, we tap into the rich vein of golden treasure available through the Spirit of God.

“The Importance of Being Foolish” – Brennan Manning

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