Pageviews past week

Sunday, January 1, 2017


This next year, we have the ability to make changes in our lives with resolutions that we can fulfill on our own.  But with Jesus, we have the ability to experience relationship with the only One who can make all things new.

As we begin the New Year, many people have their sights set on newness. We are simply programmed with the assumption that life can and should be different. The Bible gives us a clear account for why this is—we live in a fallen world that cries out for newness, for restoration. So as we enter the New Year, it is great to pursue the hope that comes with our resolutions, but our ultimate hope will come in trusting in our God who came into the world in order to make all things new.

Scriptures for today, Isaiah 9:6-7 and Revelation 21:1-5a, which invites us to look at the ability we have to experience a relationship with the only One who can make things new.

Take time to reflect together on the passage. Read the passage a second time if needed. If you’d like some help in drawing out reflections, share answers to these questions: With the start of a brand-new year, where does the Kingdom of God need to break into your life in new ways? What are things in your life that need forgiveness? Newness? Hope?

Knowing that God is with you, what are ways that you need to grow your relationship with Him?
God’s promise of making everything new is not just a future promise but an everyday promise. How can you live into that promise every day, what little steps can you honestly make that will let you be made new in Christ?

After giving time to reflection, offer up a simple prayer to God. If you aren’t sure what to pray, consider something like this: “Jesus, thank you for coming to dwell

Here are some other ways you can put your faith into practice with this week’s focus of “Given.”
For Adults
As you go through your week, what things need to be made new in your life? Pray that you can give that to God to be made new through Him.
With the promise of everything that is yet to come from God, who in your everyday life could use a new view of Jesus? Start to pray how God can use you to share who He is. Pray every time you think of that person that God would work on their heart.
For Teens
What in your life seems old, tired, or needs to be made new? As you come across those things in your week, stop and pray in that moment to give those things to God and that He would make them new.
For Kids
Take advantage of the time you’ll spend this week doing chores around the house. Weave a faith conversation into the simple act of cleaning up the kitchen or your child’s bedroom. Have your child take mental note of the mess before you begin. When you’re done cleaning, reflect on how the room is new again. How can it be used because of that newness? What are the things that Jesus makes new for people?
—Brittany Timm & David White

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