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Monday, January 2, 2017

Jesus is the radiance of God’s glory

2 January
Scripture Reading
Read Hebrews 1:1-12 and reflect on the passage.

Happy New Year! Day 2 of the new year has come—have you started your New Years’ resolution? It seems that every year I make the same list of core commitments to myself—eat healthy, lose weight, get in the gym, save money, spend time with family, read through the Bible, pray every day, read books, watch less TV, control my calendar, and be more disciplined. I typically don’t start until today—the 2nd of January—because I stayed up to watch the ball drop and there is always food left over from Christmas. I’m just trying to be practical.

Unfortunately, starting on the 2nd shows my true commitment and inability to grow into my new life on my own. What I have discovered is that I need help to make real change. Someone who knows me and is strong enough to push me when I get stuck or stubborn.

The good news is that is that I know the One “who made the universe” and sits at the right hand of God. He too wants me and you to have new life—new life in Him. Through His power we can change and have new life.

1.      Are you satisfied with your life? Are you who you want to be?
2.      When did Jesus become more than just a name to you? Will you let Him help you become the person God made you to be?

Jesus, I want to change and I can’t do it myself. Send Your Spirit to help me be the person You made me to be. Amen.

—Joe Valentino

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