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Wednesday, January 4, 2017

God blots out our sin

4 January 
Scripture Reading
Read Psalm 51:1-12 and reflect on the passage.

As a mother of three, I’ve certainly dealt with my fair share of stains. Last year when my son came home from camp, I remember pouring in what felt like a lot of OxiClean! Stubborn stains are unnerving, and I’m sure we’ve all experienced the frustration of realizing that something has been ruined. Forever blemished. Beyond repair.

As a believer, I’m thankful for God’s promise that Christ’s blood “blots out our sins.” He, alone, can take on a stubborn stain. Even a stain that we feel is too big and too bad. He can wash it away and make us clean.

Think for a moment of freshly fallen snow—snow that has nothing in it to taint the color. Pure white. Perfectly clean. Glistening and breath-taking. And now, even though it can be hard to fathom, picture yourself in the same way. Isaiah 51:7 says, “Purify me from my sins and I will be clean, wash me and I will be whiter than snow.”

No doubt, this is a God-sized promise. Jesus has not only the power but the desire, to wash our souls so that we can be white as snow. What an unspeakable gift of hope!

1.      What are some of the things in your life, past or present, that keep you from fully accepting Christ’s power to cleanse you?
2.      What is one step that you can take today to begin experiencing this freedom?
Father, help us offer you each and every area of our hearts, so that you may have your way. Cleanse us and make us pure. Amen.
—Sarah Schweisthal

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