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Friday, January 20, 2017

Luke 4:15-20

Have you experienced the power of the Holy Spirit lately? Have you felt His presence and guidance in your life? Have you cried out to God asking that He send His Holy Spirit to you because you are in deep trouble and can't find your way? Does this verse below speak to you?

The Luke reading is first seen in the Old Testament book Isaiah 61:1 (NIV) The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners... 

There are seasons in our lives when we find ourselves in bondage; a captive in need of release from pain and heartache. It is during this time we can call upon the Holy Spirit, begging Him to fill us with wisdom and hope; for hope is a specialty of the Holy Spirit.

When we find ourselves up against a wall, pinned to the pain of loss and brokenness, it is the Holy Spirit who will reveal a way out. One day everything is bleak and it seems as though there are no answers. We pray for help, submit to the One who has all the answers and then we close our eyes and sleep.

The morning will often bring peace and before you know what happened, answers will come. These answers may seem obvious and simple and we wonder why didn't I think of that? That is the power of the Spirit in our lives. Do you know what I am talking about, has this happened in your life?  Want to share with us?

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