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Thursday, February 2, 2017

Everybody Loves A Gift

Christmas was just over a month ago, our tree is down and the decorations have been put away since the first of the year.  All the gifts that didn’t fit have been returned and the others are being used.

When I think of Christmas, or anytime we give gifts, I often wonder if the recipient is using the gift.  It is no fun giving a gift that is unwanted or not needed, because it won’t be used.  

The Spirit of God gives us gifts.  Our scripture passage today says that the gifts are given, “for the common good”, or as the New Living Translations says, “so we can help each other.”  We do not get every gift.  The Spirit of God determines which ones he gives and to whom.  The important thing for us to do is USE THE GIFT we have been given.

If you are trusted with the gift of prophesy and don’t share the word God has given you, you won’t help the person God sent you too.  If you can interpret tongues yet keep silent, the message God wanted shared will not be revealed.

When it comes to the gifts of the Spirit, God is a great gift giver.  He will give you the exact right gift.  He does not make mistakes.  Use your gift or gifts.  Don’t be afraid of them.  Use your wisdom or knowledge for his good.  Heal people he sends you to heal.  If you can perform miracles, do it for His glory.

We tend to see the works of the Holy Spirit as taboo in North America, but remember God has not changed. The same God we read about in the pages of scripture is the one we serve today!  So, pretend it’s Christmas morning.  Unwrap your gift and start using it.

Read today's passage here.  1 Corinthians 12:4-11

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