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Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Live Well

(Additional references:  1 John 2:15, John 17:20-21, Acts 4:32)
To “live well” is to live in peaceful relationship with others. 
Those living in war zones, and those who live or work with warring people would agree there is no wisdom in strife and anger that leads to destruction.
After a sustained time of chaos in my life, the marquis on the screens of my computer desktop and mobile phone was one word - “PEACE.”
The author; "James, a servant of God, James the Just, a leader of the Council of Jerusalem,” is traditionally thought to be the oldest brother of Jesus.
James begins this section of his letter by asking “who is wise and understanding among you?  In context, he had just finished talking about the power and destruction of the untamed tongue.  
He writes to encourage believers to live in unity with gentle spirits in accordance with the teaching of Jesus, and to mature in their faith by living daily what they professed to believe.
Condemning pride, hypocrisy, favoritism and slander, he encourages believers to live humbly and wisely in the wisdom of God - not of this world. James’ call is for us all - live peacefully in harmony and unity!
“The passion of Jesus’ heart for oneness will be fulfilled only by the Helper’s work in our world. This is the oneness of our inner spirits, and only the Spirit can melt hard hearts, and stubborn insistence that we are right and others are wrong. Only the Spirit can change the climate of our inner spirits enabling us to receive and welcome dissentient people into our hearts.”
“The Helper”, Catherine Marshall
Peace that is greater than all my sin.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love this! A constant cry of the Holy Spirit within us is to love others as Jesus did. Thank you for the reminder to pray for a gentle and peaceable spirit.