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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Do not judge

15 March 

Read Matthew 7:1-5 and reflect on the passage.

In 1963, my family was transferred by the U.S. air force to Pakistan. We lived on the Air Base surrounded by walls and in the middle of tribal territory. In 1985, India and Pakistan went to war, a common occurrence then. It was not safe on the base, so the wives and children spent every night in foxholes. Finally, they decided it was too dangerous for the women and children, so we were evacuated.

U.S. Embassy families housed us until we could get to Turkey where we stayed for three months.

We were all frightened, sick, and mad. Many of the senior officers’ wives told us that to be uncooperative and upset was unacceptable; if we didn’t follow the rules, we would be a detriment to our husbands who were still working in Pakistan.

It’s hard enough to keep a pleasant demeanor in good times let alone under the scrutiny of the ranking wives. I can say I was miserable and afraid most of the time, but then I realized that if I could forgive them and understand what they were going through, “the planks would be removed from all of our eyes.” As a result, the three months in Turkey became easier for us all, and eventually, we returned to Pakistan.

I slip back into those attitudes and find myself judging others, because they are in my way, or want to do something different, and then I remember Jesus’ admonition—don’t judge or I will judge you.


1. Do you ever wish that certain people in your life would quit irritating you with their incessant demands, thoughtlessness, bossiness, etc? Do you feel the need to let others know how upset you are and why?

2. Are you ready to give people grace and kindness in the hope that their unhappiness diminishes?


Oh Lord, help me please to overcome my negative reactions to others’ difficulties. Please help me take away my plank and be kinder to others.
—Mary Clark

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