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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Repent and be baptized

 March 16

Read Acts 2:36-40 and reflect on the passage.

When the Holy Spirit is at work, things happen. It is only one sermon that Peter preaches at the first Pentecost, but the results are both clear and necessary. People hearing Peter sense the need for something to happen—for them to do something. The Holy Spirit is working. And so Peter simply says/ invites them and us, “Repent and be baptized.”

Peter tells his hearers to let the Holy Spirit continue His work in their lives, causing both the need and the desire for change and new life in Jesus. Peter invites the people to act this Holy Spirit work out in their lives: “Repent and be baptized.”

To us who already believe, the invitation is still being made: Keep repenting; keep living as the baptized person you are in Christ. Let this life in Jesus move you forward to more and different in His Kingdom. Be who you are in Jesus more and more. Rejoice that God is still at work in you.

Pentecost happens; it keeps happening, if we will. God is not done with us; there is still more coming in Jesus’ Kingdom!


1. What might the Holy Spirit be asking you to do for Jesus in your life? Feel free to ask Him.

2. Are there specific things that you need to repent of as a baptized believer? Ask the Holy Spirit to show/convict you. He will.


Holy Spirit, keep moving me “over the fences” of my life. Give me the joy of seeing Your work in me every day. Amen.

—Paul ulring

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