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Thursday, March 9, 2017

God led the Israelites for 40 years

March 9

Read Nehemiah 9:9-12 and reflect on the passage.

The word “desert” implies barrenness, hostility, thirst, heat, danger, death. The name “God” suggests love, fullness, comfort, joy, growth, life. Why would the Holy Spirit lead Jesus into the desert? Why would God lead His people into a desert?

When God delivered His people from Egypt, He provided a way at the Red Sea, and drowned the Egyptian army; He made a name for Himself. He guided His people through the desert by a cloud and fire for 40 years, bringing glory to His name. If the way had been easy, who among the surrounding nations would have known or respected God? Who in Israel would have realized their continued dependence on the Lord and remained faithful?

Immediately prior to the desert experience, God revealed His presence and power in miraculous ways. They knew God was real, He loved them, and He would guide, grow, and sustain them.

The desert makes more sense when we realize that God’s concerned about growing His church and expanding His kingdom. We can only survive in the desert if we depend on the Lord. When others see us thriving there, they’ll know something is up. God is making a name for Himself through us and our stories.


1. When you walked through a barren, hostile, thirsty, dangerous place in your life, how did God comfort, grow, guide, and sustain you?

2. Who noticed? How did you give God glory?


Lord, we know that you are God. We are Your people, the sheep of Your pasture. We depend on You. Use us for Your glory.

—Jane Bruns

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