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Saturday, March 18, 2017

Love God and your neighbor

March 18

Read Matthew 22:34-40 and reflect on the passage.

Underneath the starry sky, we rode back to the village in an open- air cattle truck. The Honduran man sitting next to me had led us in worship two nights before. He joined us that night in the neighboring village as our team lead worship. Without speaking the same language, we could love God together.

But, their love of God extends much farther than the walls of the church. It’s spending days nailing together a new chicken coop, advocating for clean water even if it won’t reach your own house, and dropping your own plans to take visitors on a challenging hike. I went to Honduras to serve my global neighbors, but it was the people in those villages that showed me what loving neighbors in your own community really means.

Now back home, I’m called to do the same. Jesus clearly commands us to love the Lord and love our neighbors. We are surrounded by people in our communities, offices, and homes that we can love the way Jesus does. For me, a reminder now hangs on my refrigerator—a photo of the mission team with a note from our team leader: “Love God. Love People. Impact the world.”


1. Who are the neighbors that God is calling you to love and serve?

2. How can you love God by loving others today?


Lord, You are good. Thank You for Your unconditional love. Help me to love my neighbors the way You love me.

—Kelsey Kimmelman

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