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Sunday, March 19, 2017

Jesus Bears the Cross

March 19

John 19:6, 15-17

Jesus did not want to die. He wanted everyone to believe in God, and love each other. But many people would not listen to Him. Because of that, the governor condemned Jesus to die on the cross. Jesus could have complained that people were turning against Him. Instead, He picked up His cross to do what God was asking of Him. Even though He didn’t want to die, God was with Jesus all the way.

Jesus is Helped by Simon the Cyrenian to Carry the Cross (Mark 15:21)

Jesus was very weak when the soldiers forced Him to carry His own cross through the streets. As He walked toward the place where He would die, Jesus got very tired and couldn’t carry His cross alone anymore. So the soldiers forced a man named Simon to help Jesus carry the cross the rest of the way. Simon’s two sons, Alexander and Rufus, had to watch as their father helped Jesus.

Read and reflect on the passages.

1. Jesus carried the heavy cross without complaining. What are some things we complain about doing?

2. What in your life do you need Jesus to help you with? Family? Friends? School? Work?

3. Who are people in your life that you can help? What might it look like to help them?

—Brittany Timm

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