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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Paul fights the good fight

 March 21
Read 2 Timothy 4:1-8

It is tempting to look beyond the struggles of this world to heaven, believing that, as theologian N.T. Wright says, “Somehow the human problem has to do…with our human and bodily selves and that our ultimate aim is for our souls to escape this body and find rest in an existence outside space, time and matter...” He goes on, “But this is highly misleading. The goal is not Heaven, but a renewed human vocation within God’s renewed creation. This is what every Biblical book from Genesis on is pointing toward.”

I believe that is what Paul is pointing to in the Timothy passage. He is urging us—the royal priesthood of believers—to look beyond our fences and preach the word to those we find there “with great patience and careful instruction.” Paul urges us to fight the good fight because fighting for our neighbors will require it.

N.T. Wright suggests that “The powers that have stolen the worshipping hearts of the world and that in consequence have usurped the human rule over the world would like nothing better than for humans to think only of escaping the world rather than taking back their priestly and royal vocations.”


1. Do you find yourself longing for Heaven rather than resolving to remain in the world to fight the good fight?

2. Do you believe that your vocation is to be a member in the royal priesthood?


Father, you have intended us to help make all things new. Teach us what this means and what we can do to renew your creation.

Dave Fullen

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