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Monday, March 20, 2017

Herod the Great cannot stop Jesus

20 March 

Read Matthew 2:13-18 and reflect on the passage.

“They say Aslan is on the Move...” Despite living in an endless winter, burdened by fear, where even the trees are turning to evil, help is coming and is in fact already at work.

When I read today’s passage in Matthew two observations come to mind. First, I see God moving boldly to keep His promises: Joseph is given a dream, protecting Jesus from the violence of an arrogant and jealous Herod so that some 30 years later that child—revealed to be the Christ—would voluntarily submit to a greater violence in order to rescue arrogant and jealous people like you and I.

Second, I see in the surrounding darkness families mourning senseless brutality, having no idea that God is at that very moment moving to orchestrate unparalleled mercy.

Like Beaver’s faithful proclamation about Aslan in C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia, we can say with confidence that Jesus is on the move in our world even when all we can see is a mess. Furthermore, we know that the obstacles put in front of Him—whether by men or fallen angels—will not deter Him: His love is too strong and His power too great.


1. Nothing can separate us from God’s love (Romans 8:38-39). Isn’t it also true then that nothing can separate God from His love for us?

2. God is real, His goodness is in motion, and His love unstoppable. Who will you encounter today that needs to be reminded of this? Perhaps it is you?


Lord, grow our confidence in You and grant us Your compassion so we might more urgently share Your comfort with those hurting around us. Amen.

—Jon Gerckens

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