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Friday, March 31, 2017

Zerubbabel sent to rebuild the temple

31 March          

Read Ezra 3:7-11 and reflect on the passage.

The construction of the new church Building in Poli, Cameroon was moving forward. It was located closer to the center of town. The design of the building was striking. It was significantly larger than the current building. Most importantly, the believers were excited to see the progress. The work was not done, but you could feel the energy as people crammed into the old church. They still had to sit on top of each other in a building that dated from the 1950's without solid doors and windows, but they had hope for the future.

We would like to think that our faith in things not seen would be sufficient to buoy our spirits, but it surely is encouraging to have visible milestones every once in a while. The Jews returning from exile rejoiced when the foundation for the building of the second temple was laid. Clearly the work was not finished, but they were moving in the right direction. Each of us in our own spiritual lives, even though we have a lot of work left to be done, can give thanks when we see clear signs that God’s work in us is moving forward.


1. Identify events in your life that are visible signs that God’s work in you has moved forward.

2. Who can you thank for having contributed to those milestones?


Father, I am far from being the person You want. But I give You thanks for , a sign of Your work in my life.

—David Mann

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