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Saturday, April 1, 2017

God sent Jesus to save us

ApriL  1

Read John 12:42-47 and reflect on the passage.

Jesus says in this Passage that he didn’t come to judge the world.

His mission was simple: to save the world.

Do I make a positive impact on others by judging them? I can’t remember a time I’ve seen it work. When I judge, or act in self righteousness, I create an atmosphere of superiority. But when I act with love, accepting others wherever they are, I create the space to be in God’s light.

When I became a Christian, I had some incredible women walk alongside me. They didn’t judge me, although my situation was probably worth some judgment. They were accepting and gentle, and let me go down the path that God was leading. Their prayers, listening ears, and phone calls made such a difference. As I look back, I wonder if I could’ve acted the same way they did. They were amazing mentors.

I remember the gifts they gave me and I try to use them when I see others in similar situations. I know when I act with love and acceptance, without condemnation, I am living the way Jesus wants me to.


1. How can you let go of judgment, and show love and acceptance to people around you?

2. As you journey to the cross this Lent, how can you join Jesus in His mission of “saving the world?”


Draw me close and show me how to live in Your light. Help me see others as You see them, and love as You love.

—Kirsten Svendsen

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