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Sunday, April 9, 2017

God Moves To the Cross

Jesus’ move to the cross declares that forgiveness of sins and eternal life is given to anyone who trusts in Him. Nothing more. Nothing less. Faith alone in Christ alone determines our eternal destiny.
         Read Luke 23:1-49 and reflect on the passage

There is only one in Jesus’ story towards the cross who uses his title unironically. Jesus does not die alone: with one criminal on His right and one on His left, He finally hears a single voice of sincerity among the jeers of the crowd: “Jesus, remember me when You come into Your Kingdom.” He is truly hailed as King at last—and it’s by a petty thief. 

Jesus’ whole life was a paradox, His actions unexpected, His choice of followers startling, His path to power the path of defeat and death. The cross is the final moment of confusion for the royal watchers among us. This can’t be it? Can it? Can this be what He was intending to do with His reign? This may be one of the most important conversations ever recorded. Why? Because the man in the middle died with sin on him, but not in him.
Station 13: Jesus Dies on the Cross (Luke 23:44-46)
Jesus worshiped at the Jerusalem Temple many times when He was alive. In that temple was a curtain that separated people from the Holy of Holies, the place where they believed God was present in a very special way. When Jesus died, two amazing things happened: it became very dark all throughout the city, and the curtain in the temple was torn in two. Because of Jesus death, we can now always be in God’s presence.

Station 14: Jesus is Placed in the Tomb (Matthew 27:57-60)
After Jesus died on the cross, one of His friends, Joseph of Arimathea, asked Pilate if he could take Jesus body down from the cross. Along with Mary, Jesus mother, and some other friends of Jesus, Joseph prepared Jesus body for burial. Then he buried Jesus in his own tomb.

Read and reflect on the passages.

1. The whole earth became dark, the sun stopped shining, and all hope seemed to be gone. What do people feel hopeless about? Is there something in your life that seems hopeless? How can the meaning of Easter (resurrection, new life, forgiveness) bring hope into your life?

2. Jesus took on all of our sins when He died on the cross. Is there something you have done that you need to ask forgiveness for?

3. What Joseph did took courage—what is one thing you have done that took courage? What is something you need courage to do?

—Brittany Timm

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