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Monday, April 10, 2017

Jesus is a lamb without blemish

10 ApriL                         
Read 1 Peter 1:17-20 and reflect on the passage.

As a child, I viewed lent as a time for sadness. I was taught that it was my bad behavior that crucified Jesus. But is that what Lent is really about? Am I to be walking with my head down, contemplating what my sin has done, or is Lent a season for a reality check—a time to come face-to-face with my mortal side and prepare accordingly?

A few years ago, I decided to observe this holy season by growing and exploring my faith. I longed to be closer to Jesus and to change some of my behaviors which fell short of His example. I discovered that Lent is a time to admit my shortcomings and turn to Jesus, the Spotless Lamb, for forgiveness.

When we are amazed in His presence, we seek to be holy as He is holy. It becomes clear the reason Palm Sunday was and is such a celebration, is because having Jesus in our lives is all the reason we need to celebrate and wave palm branches. Perhaps Lent is not about me at all, but about the One who loves me more than life itself.


1. What burdens your heart when you spend time examining your life? What do you want to change?

2. Do you experience a “reverent fear” as you journey through Lent? What does this mean to you?


Dear Jesus, fill me with a passion for pursuing You every day of my life. Give me wisdom and a contrite heart in Your presence.

—Judy Webb

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