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Sunday, April 16, 2017

He Is Risen! - God Moves Out of the Tomb

ApriL 16 -                EASTER SUNDAY

The resurrection of Jesus, as an historical event, is proof that God wants to be “on the move” in your life as well.

Read Luke 24:1-12 and reflect on the passage.

Even the grave could not still Jesus. He moves beyond death—the greatest obstacle any of us will ever face. He is alive and active and moving in our lives and our world. His power to overcome all obstacles is available to us today.

Stations of the Cross

Station 15: The Resurrection of Jesus (Mark 16:1-6)

Three days after Jesus was buried, some women went to His tomb to anoint His body. They were very sad because they loved Jesus very much. When they got to the tomb, they were surprised to see an angel sitting there. The angel told them that Jesus was no longer dead. God had brought him back to life, and Jesus would now be with us forever. This was the very first Easter Sunday morning!

Read and reflect on the passage.

1. How would you feel if you were one of the women who had this experience? You would have known that Jesus had died and was buried, but when you went to His tomb, you would have been greeted by a man—dressed in white—who told you, “He has risen. He is not here.”

2. Why do you think Jesus had to be raised from the dead?

3. Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we have new life. What could you do this week to celebrate your new life and “walk in Jesus’ steps?”

—Catherine Scurria

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