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Monday, April 17, 2017

Jesus predicts His resurrection

17 ApriL                          

Read Matthew 16:21-28 and reflect on the passage.

I’ve heard the story of Jesus many times. In the songs of VBS and the drama of Tetélestai, I came to understand His trial, execution, and resurrection on a deeper level. Through personal study, I made more connections and found more answers. Over and over, I’ve been led to this story of hope, adventure, and the encouragement to seek more. Although I’ve read, heard, and sung this story dozens of times, I can’t possibly become immune to the deeply moving and intense selflessness, love, and pleading of Jesus in the last days of His life.

Jesus explains to the disciples—who have been by His side through the best and worst—the most pivotal event in history, and the worst torture and death a person could endure. He willingly gives Himself over because, regardless of the pain He will suffer, He has “in mind the things of God.” What’s more, His concern for each and every one of us is a plea to live the fullest, most intentional, most beautiful lives we can. Jesus asks me to deny myself and follow Him; what better story could I be a part of?


1. Do you want to be a part of the greater story?

2. Are you ready to deny yourself, give up the things of this world, and experience the “more” that is following Jesus?


Lord, there’s no greater adventure, no greater journey, no greater life than the one lived with You. Thank You for Your selflessness and invitation. Amen.

—Abby Fullen

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