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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Jesus was resurrected for us

19 ApriL                               

Read Romans 4:16-26 and reflect on the passage.

What do you think of when you hear the word “impossible?” Meeting that payment? Being reconciled with that person? Overcoming that habit? Ridding yourself of those thoughts? What seemed impossible for Abraham was becoming the father of many nations. God had promised that this would happen, but now in the twilight of life, with his body wasting away, and Sarah’s womb unfruitful, all evidence seemed to point to a perpetually empty crib.

Yet Abraham refused to allow the pain of past experience or present circumstances to determine his future. He believed that God was bigger than the obstacles, and it was credited to him as righteousness. Abraham discovered that God’s Word does what it says. He learned that God is faithful to His promises. In their old age, Abraham and Sarah did indeed have a son, and from his descendants came Jesus Christ, the Messiah!

We can have the faith of Abraham, too. Through the resurrection of Jesus, the greatest obstacles in our lives have been overcome. Because Jesus lives, sin, death, and the devil have been defeated! The future is open! And all things are possible for those who believe.


1. What are two facts about God which will strengthen your trust in Him?

2. Do you need more faith, or is your vision of God “too small?”


Father, help us to put our hope in Your power and love; strengthen our faith to embrace Your promises. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

—Jeff Morlock

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