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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

God raised Jesus from the dead

   ApriL  18

Read Acts 2:22-24 and reflect on the passage.

I encourage you to re-read the scripture two More tines. This is a passage that will too easily be placed into a box of understanding for those who are familiar with it. After re-reading the Scripture, ask God what He wants to teach you about Himself and just listen for a couple of minutes; set a timer.

There are truths hidden within passages of Scripture that are easy to gloss over because “we have heard this before.” I am guilty of this as well. Yet I believe if we take even the most routine of Scripture and ask God to teach us something about Himself, we will see something different.

To me what stood out is that Jesus was not handed over because of a mistake, or even because of a rebellious apostle, but because God had purposed it. God has purposes in our world today and those purposes will continue with or without our agreeance or willingness to participate.

Jesus died and was raised but the story does not end there. God’s purposes remain and we are invited to participate—with the power of Jesus—in the continuing of God’s purposes for our world.


1. What is God teaching you about Himself today?

2. God’s purposes are continuing today; what are you going to do this week in response to that truth?


Lord, what is Your will and purpose in the world today, and how can I join You in that?

—Aaron Benson

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