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Friday, October 20, 2017

Miracle of Mercy

Paul was a zealous man in all he did. Until he met Christ on the road to Damascus, he fiercely pursued Jesus-followers, persecuting them and blaspheming their God.  “He went around ravaging the church, entering house after house, dragging off men and women, and put them in prison (Acts 8:3).”  When Paul was on his way to Damascus, hoping to carry out further murderous plans, Jesus came and changed his course forever [See Acts 9:1-22 for the dramatic story of Paul’s conversion]. 
Jesus had different plans for Paul – He would use Paul’s zeal for the Father’s holy purposes. “He [Paul] is a chosen instrument of Mine, to bear My name before Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel (Acts 9:15).” 

In I Timothy 1:12-17, Paul is reflecting on the miracle of his conversion. Not only did Jesus show mercy toward Paul, who, according to his own definition, was the “worst of sinners,” but also considered Paul a faithful and useful servant.  How Paul must have forever marveled that Jesus would even consider putting him into service after all Paul had done against His name and His people! Paul did however realize that, through his life, Christ would show sinners like us His purpose in coming to our planet. We see the Lord’s patience toward sinners in order to bring them to Himself.  We might say, “If God can do this for (in) someone like Paul, as chief sinner, it shows He can do it for anyone, no matter what they (we) have done.” 

So what have you done that you feel disqualifies you from service?  Even more, what is that “worst” sin you think will keep you from Christ’s saving grace?  Remember Paul’s example…and be assured that you, too can be a miracle of God’s amazing grace and mercy.  You, too, will be put into service for Christ’s kingdom.  You, too, can be a modern-day example of Christ’s patience toward sinners.  You, too, can speak of what He has done in your life – His amazing story in you.  I know He has given me a story; and I ask, Lord, that I may be bold to tell it to other sinners who need to know You will never give up on them – no matter what.

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