is the worst thing that has ever happened to you? Was it the unexpected loss of
a loved one? The loss of your job or maybe even your career? The breakup of a relationship?
For me, it was our first child who was still born.
were young and excited to become parents. In preparation, we wallpapered the
nursery; refinished the high chair that I had used as a baby; my wife’s sister
gave us the crib her son had used; and we got lots of gifts at a baby shower.
One of the gifts was from my Mom. It was a little stuffed wind-up sun that when
you wound it up it played, “You Are My Sunshine”.
night my wife stayed in the hospital and I came home to an empty house. It
wasn’t a house filled with the joy of a newborn, but a house filled with
emptiness. The high chair was in the kitchen never to hold our daughter. The
nursery would never hear her cry or see her sleep. She would never hear “You
Are My Sunshine”.
knew what it was like to experience loss. In fact, he wrote to the Philippians
while in prison; so he had lost his freedom to come and go as he pleased. One
of the ramifications of that is he lost relationships because he couldn’t travel
certain rights and relationships that he might have enjoyed otherwise. For
instance, he might have gotten married had he not been so driven in his
commitment of following Christ. All this to say that Paul knew the pain of

is Paul’s concern, goal and prayer for the Philippian church, as well as for
you and me, that God’s good work is completed in us; that we keep our focus on
our Lord. Maybe the writer of Hebrews said it best.
of us will never experience the pain and suffering that Paul did due to
persecution. But in this world you either already have experienced loss, pain
and suffering, or you will at some time. When that happens Paul’s words to the
Philippian believers should encourage you.
6 And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you,
will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ
Jesus returns. NLT

And let us run with
perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on
Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. Hebrews
12:1b-2a NIV
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