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Friday, December 15, 2017

Good Shepherd

December 15                                                                                             

Scripture Reading
Read John 10:1-5 and reflect on the passage.

Sometimes the holidays are full of worry. Travel plans must be made. Food must be prepared. We want to give our friends and family the perfect presents. And, my goodness, what will we ever do with the junk they think is perfect for us!

We have so many parties and events to attend, we’re busy the whole month long – "But that’s not the reason for the season!" we think. "We must make time for Christ!" And pretty soon we’re worried we’re not being good Christians, we’re not celebrating Christmas the way God intends.

I’ve spent much of the year reflecting upon my worries, and God has answered me time and again with the instruction of Matthew 6:33, "Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

Why? Because that kingdom and righteousness we seek is that of the Good Shepherd who cares for His flock. He makes us to lie down in green pastures, He leads us beside quiet waters, He refreshes our souls (Psalm 23).

I hear His voice. And in His presence I have rest from all worries of this season and this world.

         What worries do you have this holiday season?
      If you traded your worries for rest would the Good Shepherd meet your needs?

Lord, fill my heart with trust in You that I may know Your perfect peace.

                                                                                                                                    Star Bradley

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