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Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Coming King

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday begins the “week that changed the world”. Everything in Jesus’ life and ministry have led up to this week. It’s drama and it’s salvation’s story.

From beginning to end, Jesus is very much in charge of this week and all that happens. Jesus is not a victim; He is changing the world through every day and moment in this week.

As strange as it may seem for us to hear the welcoming, rejoicing “Hosannas” of Palm Sunday and then see what happens in the rest of the week, this is God’s plan for redeeming the world--and us in it, too.

People have waited for this day and week for hundreds of years. Others have ridden into Jerusalem and nothing happened. But people are still waiting, ready and willing to welcome Jesus into their hopes and expectations of what He will do. At least they are looking for the King of their longings. Are we?

But Jesus doesn’t do what they think He should. Read on in Mark’s Gospel. Jesus cleanses the temple instead of gathering an army to drive Rome away. Their expectations are not met. People are disappointed again; some of them angry enough to join the “Crucify Him” chants of Good Friday. So much in such a short time.

Once again, we gather to hear, watch, listen….as we ourselves join in the “Week that changed the world”. And we pray that it will once again change us. We are loved enough to die for--and we need it, again and more.

What in the Story of Holy Week has had the greatest impact on your life so far and in what way?

Pray that God will open Holy Week’s Story(s) to new faith and hope in your life.

                                                                                                                     Pastor Paul Ulring

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