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Thursday, April 5, 2018

Legacy of Love

Note Jesus' methods of leadership. He empowered his disciples (9:1), gave them specific instructions so they knew what to do (9:3, 4), told them how to deal with tough times (9:5), and held them accountable (9:10). As you lead others, study the Master Leader's pattern. Which of these elements do you need to incorporate into your leadership?      ---Life Application Study Bible.

When I saw this in my Life Application Study Bible, I had to share it here. As we learn about leadership and begin to develop strategies for leading, we can be certain that Scripture has lots to say about it. We can learn from studying many leaders and stories in the Bible.

Jesus prepared His followers to continue on with the plan. That plan being to share the Good News and to bring others into faith. That is still our job today; to share the new of Jesus and salvation to a suffering and hurting world. The Lenten season we just experienced, prepared us for this next step.

Jesus made a deep and lasting impression on these men. He not only taught them how to do what He did, but he loved them deeply. He was a mentor and a dear friend. When someone has such a profound effect on our lives, we want to remember them. We want to tell everyone about them. We want to experience this relationship again and again.

Carry on the legacy of love which Jesus left behind.

Luke 9:1-6

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