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Friday, April 6, 2018


Scripture Reading:  Matthew 24:6-35


“Spring is in the air.” Really?!? It snowed this week, the wind is bitter-cold, snow squalls are predicted once more. It seems like winter wants to hang around indefinitely. Will spring ever come?  In my funk about our seeming perpetual winter, a voice within encourages, “Look at the trees, check out the flowers.”  Buds are beginning to appear, green foliage has pushed up from the ground, and many spring flowers have bloomed.  Yes, though winter still has us in its grip, there are signs that spring is just around the corner. 

Jesus used such as analogy in talking to his disciples about the end times and his eventual return. “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its young shoots become tender, and it puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near; so you, too, when you see all these things [taking place], know for certain that He is near, right at the door (Matthew 24:32-33, AMP).”  What things would signal Christ’s return?  We’ve heard these before: “wars and rumors of wars, famines, earthquakes, persecution of believers, increasing wickedness (Mt 24: 6-9),” …and are we not seeing these things taking place in our world today?  He is right at the door.

When I think about Jesus’ return, I must admit I wonder how we will know for sure it is He who has come. Jesus warns us to not listen to people who try to convince us that Christ has returned (vs 23, 26). There will be plenty of false prophets and “Messiahs.”  It helped me to read verse 27 of Matthew 24: “For as the lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.” We won’t have to go looking for him among the counterfeit.  He will come swiftly and suddenly – like lightning – to be seen and known by all!

The promise of spring is sure – we have come to rely on the signs, and we look forward to its coming, especially after a hard winter.  Just so, we have heard Jesus’ words about his return. We see the signs, his promise is sure.  He has told us that heaven and earth as we know it, will pass away, but “[his] words will never pass away.” We look forward to his coming, especially so after all the hardships of this life.

Dear, Jesus, thank you for the sure promise we have as your children that you will be returning soon.  Thank you, too, that we can rely on your words – they will remain faithful and true.  Come Lord Jesus, Come quickly!  Amen.

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