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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Our Glorious Future

Anticipation. How often something wonderful is preceded by a long wait!

It began with childhood Christmases and the month-long excitement over all the toys I wanted. I was certain I would get them. And I did. (Yes, I was a spoiled child.)

Then it was entertainment - WrestleMania was my favorite annual spectacular and each year I counted down its coming by watching the complete anthology of past events. The 34th edition is this Sunday, and it’s going to be awesome!

Then there’s the events we can’t countdown on a calendar - achieving our dreams, meeting our spouses, conceiving our children. We work and strive and seek and chase and try, the whole time trusting that our efforts will be rewarded, that someday God will bless us.

But sometimes he doesn’t. Some people never achieve their dreams. Some never get married. Some are never able to conceive. And we begin to doubt. The wait is so long and so uncertain, we begin to wonder: Will it ever happen?

How wonderful is hope and anticipation! How soul-crushing is doubt and despair!

Remember the doll at the end of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer? Disappointed yet again, she whimpers, “I haven’t any dreams left to dream.” (Not familiar? Picture a Cleveland Browns fan.)

Yes, my friends, sometimes the disappointments are so frequent and so many we cease to hope. We lose faith, become jaded, and go through life doubting that it will ever get any better. 

To this Jesus asks, “When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8)

WHEN!!! Not if, WHEN!!!

Anticipation. How often something wonderful is preceded by a long wait!

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