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Sunday, July 1, 2018

Calm Amidst Chaos: What is the Secret?

Mark 1:35-39

The 2017 iPhone App of the Year is called, simply enough, "Calm."  I discovered it on Instagram.  Their mission is simple yet profound:  "We're here to help you cultivate a regular meditation practice, sleep better and feel happier."

The Instagram posts are lovely: usually it's a sunset, or the ocean waves lapping the shoreline, or a beautiful flower.  These words scroll across the screen:  do nothing for 15 seconds.  And they even count the seconds down as you take in the spectacular sunset, the mesmerizing waves,  the gorgeous flower.

Please raise your hand if you don't need any 'calm' in your life.  No hands?  I didn't think so.  My workplace always has drama.  My family life is busy and yes, often stressful.  What about school?  Our political landscape?  'Calm' is hardly the word I would use to describe America in 2018, or probably anywhere else, 2018.

And "Calm" is the Facebook app of the year.  Certainly we all need more 'calm' in our lives!

What did Jesus do when he needed calm in his life?  Verse 35 tells us that "very early in the morning while it was still dark, he got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed." His goal, contrary to "Calm's" mission, wasn't to sleep better and feel happier.  His goal was to serve His father.  He told his disciples when they finally tracked him down and told him that people were looking all over for him: "Let us go to the nearby villages - so I can preach there also.  That is why I have come. (v. 38)"  He had a mission, and he fulfilled it.  He grew in faith as he spent time with his Father.

Dear Bible Blast readers, I wish I could tell you that I, too, daily seek a solitary place and meet my Father for prayer.  I struggle mightily to incorporate daily prayer in my life.  My prayers are often fleeting and self-centered, and I rarely linger at the throne long enough to hear God's still, small voice. It's much easier to click on the 'calm' Instagram photo, enjoy 15 seconds of nature, and return to my busy life, hoping that God will bless me.

The Christian life doesn't work that way.  True peace, and yes, calmness, only comes when we invest time getting to know the Lord of the universe.

Lord, help me take time to seek a solitary place and spend time in prayer.  Thank you that you forgive me when I fall short, which is often.  Help me to seek your face and know how much you love me and have a future and a hope waiting for me. Grant me calmness that only comes from you. In Jesus name, Amen.  

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