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Friday, July 27, 2018



How many times have you heard (or said yourself, perhaps), “The God of the Old Testament is all about Law, judgment and punishment?” often continuing with, “Thank goodness for the New Testament, where Jesus is all loving and compassionate.” At first glance, these observations may appear true. But as you read more and more in the Old Testament, you see quite the contrary.

In the verses for today, we see just one example of a repeating pattern:

·         The Israelites walked away from God (Neh 9:16-17)

·         were confronted with their sin ((Neh 8: 1-3, 5, 9)

·         were faced with consequences of their sin (Neh 9: 27a)

·         confessed their sin, cried out to God (Neh 9: 1-3)

·         each time experienced the forgiveness of their loving and compassionate Father (Neh 9: 17b; 19; 27b)

Time and again, God’s people of the Old Testament forgot how He took care of them and turned their collective backs on Him. And once again the Lord, in his mercy and love, disciplined them to bring them back to Himself to receive His forgiveness.

How God dealt with His people in ancient times is no different than He deals with us, His forgetful people in the Church today.


Thank you, Father, for your faithful pattern of compassion and forgiveness in response to our repeated forgetfulness and sin pattern in our lives. “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness (Lam 3 22-23).”

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