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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Make it Right

Numbers 5:6 (MSG)
6  "Tell the People of Israel, When a man or woman commits any sin, the person has broken trust with GOD, is guilty, and must confess the sin he has committed."

Sin is serious stuff, as we read in the Old Testament and the New. When we commit any sin, we break off with God. We are deemed guilty and must repent. God is fair and just, and when we commit a wrong, we are given a chance to make it right. Restoration is God's plan, confession and repentance is our next move.

One commentary I turned to for clarity said that an essential role of the people of God is bringing reconciliation and justice to scenes of conflict and abuse. How do we do this? One way is to recognize when we fall short of God’s expectation and immediately seek forgiveness. Too often, we only have to look as far as our own doorstep to find conflict and abuse. 

Just like the people of Israel who bound themselves to obey God's commandments, who routinely fell short, so do we. Often this takes the form of mistreating others. Unkind words, hateful glares, obscene gestures, are these all forms of mistreatment. All this sort of behavior is sinful and must be confessed.

A problem in today's world is that many do not recognize wrong doing. We don't consider name calling and slandering as wrong. As Christians, we must act different. This is where we are wise to have a few people around us who can hold us accountable. People we trust that we give permission to speak into our lives and hold up a mirror to us when we are less than what God desires.

God is ready to forgive...are we ready to confess and change?

Numbers 5:5-10

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