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Friday, August 3, 2018

Called to be a True Alongsider

Philippians 4:14-19

“It was good of you to share in my troubles.” (v. 14)  The church at Philippi was there for Paul when no one else was.  How hard it is to share in someone’s troubles!  More often than not, we prefer to avoid our own problems and certainly not share in somebody else’s. 

While social media has made it easy to share our lives with the world, what pieces are we sharing?  Isn’t is usually the good stuff?  Yes, occasionally we let people know we’re having a tough time and we may get a lot of “prayer hands” in the comments, but are we really sharing in each other’s troubles?  Is there any real sacrifice being made? 

Paul appreciated the Philippians' sacrifice and let them know it wouldn’t go unnoticed. “…a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.” (v. 18) The Philippians were generous, as the Church today is asked to be.  Generous not just with our finances, but our time and talents as well.  How lovely would it be to sit with someone and really feel like we’re being heard?  To share a heartfelt prayer or honest word of encouragement – not a brief, superficial social media encounter.

When we truly make a sacrifice for others, God sees and is pleased.  As the Message translation states, “it’s a beautiful thing that you came alongside me in my troubles.”  The key word being ALONGSIDE.  It’s amazing what can be accomplished when we come alongside one another.  Not around or near each other, not through a computer screen, tablet or smartphone, but truly alongside one another.  Letting each other know we can make it through anything because God is with us. 

Lord, let me be a light in troubled times.  Make it clear when someone needs me to come alongside them.  Give me the courage to make the necessary sacrifices and give me the strength to lift others up and may they be there to point me back to You in my hour of need.  Amen

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