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Sunday, August 26, 2018

I Choose Good Over Evil

Romans 12:9-13

These 4 verses certainly pack a punch!  Paul does not mince words:  hate what is evil; cling to what is good.  What could be more direct than that, and yet, why do we find it so hard to live out?  All we have to do is go on social media (or for those of us who prefer, open up the daily newspaper) and we see example after example of evil:  wars, murder, leaders who lie, people who rob, cheat, and steal - and those are just the headlines!

What is the antidote to such self-centered, sinful behavior?  The author of Hebrews tells us to "fix our eyes on Jesus" (Hebrews 12:2).  So let's take a look at Jesus, who led a perfect life, even as he was tempted just as we are tempted (Hebrews 4:15).
  • Jesus was in constant communication with the Father (Luke 5:16)
  • Jesus had a clear purpose (John 18:37)
  • Jesus knew scripture, and applied it to his life (Matthew 4:3-10)
And this just scratches the surface.  When I am tempted to choose evil over good (and yes, that is a daily, sometimes hourly experience), I need to come closer to Jesus, and to ask him for his help.  He won't beat me up when I fail, but he will love me no matter what.  He will ask me to fix my eyes on him - what a promise of hope and forgiveness.

Lord, I so often choose evil over good.  Help me to come closer to you, and to choose you.  Amen.  

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