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Thursday, August 23, 2018

Living as a Light

I’ve always loved light. Sunlight, Christmas lights, fire, chandeliers, moonlight. When I think about the perfect moment, it always includes twinkle lights- the lighting always sets the mood. I’ll pick the best lighting I see fit, but the magic of light always changes the scene into something way greater than I ever could’ve imagined, and it’s not what I decided for it, but the essence of the lights that makes the difference. 

When I think of myself as a child of the light, I realize I try to control what that light does, and what it looks like: how I speak, what I say, where I go, what I do, how I do it. I’ve noticed lately that I act differently around different people. I choose a different light to embody based on who I’m around. Around my church friends and acquaintances I choose a soft white light- I speak more quietly, more carefully, I’m reserved. Around school friends, I’m a blazing fire- my words know no bounds, I’m quick and untamed, and sometimes out of control. And when I’m meeting people for the first time, I choose the fairy lights- I show off, speak of things I know more of than the next person, and of the things I do better. My lights are inconsistent, and sometimes the essence of them shines in ways that I don’t intend, in poor ways. 

What does it look like for me to be a child of the light? What does my light look like when I’m “find[ing] out what pleases the Lord”? Should it look differently around different people, or should it maintain in the brilliance of Christ? 

I think my light should come from what’s within. I want people to see a light inside of me, and not the one I’ve dressed myself with. I want people to see a light in my eyes. I want my love to be visible, my words to be illuminated, and my actions to become a light for those around me.

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