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Friday, August 24, 2018

Love in Actions

Scripture Reading: 1 John 3: 11-18

“Let us not love with word or tongue, but in deed and truth (1 John 3:18).”
Some years ago, I moved to Minneapolis and in with a roommate whom I considered rigid and set in her ways (unaware of this before moving in).  Examples: She had a specific vacuum attachment she insisted must be used on the couch, when there were others that would work just as well (in my opinion!). Then there was the matter of her pots and pans – she wanted me to use Comet; I liked SOS. You get the picture – a real battle of wills. While we didn’t always argue verbally, we often had searing staring contests. This made a very uncomfortable living situation, and my attitude was anything but kind toward her. I prayed that God would help me love her, but nothing seemed to change.
Meanwhile, I was in a small group that began a study on Love. One point that was made, “Love is not merely a feeling, it’s an action,” led me to a decision to do a loving thing for her, even though I didn’t feel like it. We were in the midst of a typical Minnesota winter (snow, snow, snow! and cold, cold cold!), when each morning after a snowfall, I began clearing the snow from her car as I did my own while my car engine was warming for work.
God was teaching me about His love by showing me He loved me in order to solidify His words of love:

“But God shows [demonstrates] His love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8).”

“This is how we know what love is: Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters (1 John 3:16).”
Because I know God’s love by His actions, I ought to show love to others (including those I have a difficult time liking). When I was being obedient to what God was saying to me, a strange but wonderful thing began happening:  The prayer regarding loving my roommate was being answered. My heart softened toward her, and I grew in ability to give grace to her.  I actually started to like her, and she knew it, not only because I cleaned off her car, but by virtue of the fact that I stopped my part in the staring match. Doing love helped me love in truth.

Thank you, Lord, that you answer prayer in strange and wonderful ways. Sometimes You ask me to do an act of obedience to set Your answer in motion. Keep me watchful for loving acts that I may do on your behalf. Amen.

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