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Saturday, September 1, 2018

What Does Your Desk Look Like?

You can tell a lot about a person by their desk or work space or living area. For instance, my desk is almost always uncluttered and neat. Everything is in its place. You won’t find papers scattered all over my desk or a half-eaten sandwich stuffed in a drawer. Do you know why? Because it’s an attempt to control a small part of my world.

The story in 2 Chronicles 20 that surrounds verse 17 is about the struggle between trust and control. Early in the chapter, King Jehoshaphat learns that there is a “vast army from Edom” that is marching against them. His immediate reaction is to be terrified, but this leads him to “beg the Lord for guidance”.

The men of Judah begin praying. They plead for the Lord to rescue them based on the history of God’s work with Israel and on who God is – His promises, faithfulness, love and power. While praying, Jahaziel receives a word from the Lord. That word is “do not be afraid... for the Lord is with you”. Just trust Him.

It sounds easy, but it isn’t. Keep in mind, while the men of Judah are praying instead of preparing for battle, the mighty army from Edom is steadily marching towards them. Talk about trust and giving up control.

What the Lord said through Jahaziel was counter-intuitive. There were no instructions to prepare for battle; no strategizing; no sharpening of swords. In fact, the only action to be taken was, “take your position; then stand still and watch. Watch the Lord’s victory”. Impossible for us as humans who need control.

We don’t like to trust others because it involves risk. And risk can result in failure, losing valuable resources, rejection or just plain looking bad. We prefer to keep control ourselves in an attempt to avoid the painful consequences of risk, and to gain power over our circumstances and people.

Our lives are like my desk. I try to control my life as much as I can so that everything has its place; everything is orderly. That way I know what to expect. Risk is minimized. But what about trusting the Lord? Where does that fit in with my orderly life? I frequently need to remind myself of Jahaziel’s word: “the Lord is with you” Joe.

What does your desk look like? Is it neat and orderly because you have control, or does God have control?

17 But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the Lord’s victory. He is with you, O people of Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Go out against them tomorrow, for the Lord is with you!”     NLT

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