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Friday, August 31, 2018

Better Than Fiction

Revelation 21:1-5

Fiction writers have a great job.  They create new characters all the time and if they don’t like the way things are going, they can rewrite a scene and change direction.  If only life were like that – that we could rewrite our history and make everything new again.  

While fiction may be fun to read and write, we live in the real world, one that relies on truth (though nowadays, the “truth” seems harder and harder to find.)  So, what are the facts Christians know to be true?  When we accept Jesus into our lives, we are made new like never before.  We aren’t just some character in a fictional drama, with some comedy thrown in, but a true child of God.  By faith we know for a fact that when we die to self, a new life awaits.  A glorious life beyond anything even the greatest writers could dream up.

Let’s not get lost in a book full of fictional characters and places, but one filled with words that are “trustworthy and true.”  And it has a fantastic ending!  Normally I wouldn’t want to give anything away and spoil it for the reader, but this is something everyone should know… a new Jerusalem will come down from heaven and God will dwell among his people. He’ll wipe away every tear and make everything new (v. 2-4).

WOW!  That's an ending I can’t wait to be a part of; because, while I may try to be the author of my own life, ultimately, I need to give that job to Him and sit back and watch what happens.

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