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Sunday, December 30, 2018

Simeon and Anna

Read Luke 2:25-38

There was a man named Simeon, described as “righteous and devout.” He had received special insight by the Holy Spirit that before he died, he would be allowed to see the One whom God chose to rescue the world. The Bible says that “the Holy Spirit was upon him" and revealed to him that he would not die until he saw the Christ. Today was that day.

There is a saying that patience is a virtue and good things are worth waiting for, so what are you anticipating? The day you reach your healthy weight? When your bank account bulges? What is so important and so unreachable that you must wait and wait?

Many of us have goals, something important to us that we want to accomplish before we leave this world. Most of these ambitions aren’t spiritually motivated or promised by God. In fact, they are most likely personal dreams which, in the grand scheme of things, don’t matter much.

But Simeon waited for the day he would see Jesus and declare Him the Salvation of the world, something more valuable than anything else. Simeon was ready to die, having finally seen the Christ. Are you ready?


1. Is there something you are putting your life on hold for? Are you waiting to share Jesus with your friend until just the right moment?

2. Is it time to step out and learn more about Jesus so you can come alongside another with the Gospel?


Dear Lord, show me what You have promised me so that I can hold fast to You while waiting for Your provision. Amen.

Judy Webb

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