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Sunday, July 14, 2019

The Opposite Game

Matthew 5:1-12

Did you play the opposite game when you were a kid?  Hot - Cold.  Near - Far.  Happy - Sad.  And on it goes.

As I read these verses for probably at least the hundredth time, the opposite game came to mind.

poor in spirit - the kingdom of heaven

mourning - comforting

meek - inherit the earth

hungry and thirsty - filled

persecuted - kingdom of heaven

How can this be?  These things are opposites, aren't they?  Is Jesus telling us that all is not what it seems on the surface?

The crowds have gathered to hear him.  He has just miraculously healed the sick.  Jesus is a miracle worker!  Everyone wants to sit at his feet.  This new teacher, this rabbi, is going to be the answer to our prayers.  He will usher in God's kingdom.  We won't be under oppressive Roman rule any more - I'm sure those thoughts of victory and reward were buzzing in the peoples' minds as they gathered on the hillside.

And what did Jesus say?  He told them the opposite, at least on the face of it.  And in verses 11 - 12, he really spells out what he is offering his followers:

Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.  Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.  

We are going to be looking at the Beatitudes, as they are called, for the next several weeks over the summer.  Our senior pastor memorized the Sermon on the Mount a year or so ago - what a challenge to all of us to do the same!  Let these words sink into you heart, and as you go about your day, ask God to show you which 'opposite,' which 'blessed are' needs to be more part of your life.

Do you need to be comforted? Comfort others. Do you need mercy?  Show mercy.  Are you experiencing persecution?  Know that God will bless you.  Ask him to show you where you need more 'opposite.'  He will show you, and you will not be the same.  He wants to bring you into the kingdom of heaven!

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