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Saturday, July 6, 2019

Worthy of My Calling?

Read:  Ephesians 4:1-6

"Rare Stradivarius violin hidden in reclusive heiress’ closet for 25 years,” the headline read.

What?  How could that be?  How could such a treasured instrument be hidden away for 25 years in a dark closet?  It seems such a travesty that such an instrument, designed to play its part in a grand symphony and bring ethereal musically vibrations to the world, was left hidden in the darkness for so long. 

Yet, this violin was not special or valuable because of something it had done, but because of who had designed it, crafting it intricately out of simple pieces of wood.

In the book of Ephesians, Paul takes the first 3 chapters to spell out in glorious details all that God has done for us, FREELY, by His Grace!  Now Paul urges us to “walk in manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called.”  

When we really understand how much God has done for us, sacrificing His own Son, we will naturally want to serve Him.  We don’t walk worthy so that God will love us, but BECAUSE He does love us.

How does this calling show up and walk itself out in our lives?  We become a part of His GRAND Symphony!  Our calling joins arms with Christians from all generations, all parts of the world, from the beginning of time to the end of time, all keeping in tune with the Spirit of Unity. 

And the wafting sounds of God’s Grand Symphony have the harmonies of humbleness, gentleness, patience, eagerness for peace.  All the players are focused on one thing; leading all those whose our lives touch, to experience God’s amazing love and Grace of Jesus Christ. 

Lord, I want to spend my lifetime exploring Your love that surpasses knowledge.  May this love catapult me into walking out my calling in a worthy manner, not keeping the Majesty of Your glorious love hidden in the closet of my heart.  Help me to see my calling as my part to play in Your Grand Symphony. 

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