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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Kingdom Treasure

Matthew 6:19-34

What would you hope to find inside if you came across a treasure chest as you walked along the beach?  Bags of gold are usually in those things, right?  Or precious jewelry, or maybe a map to an even greater treasure!

The word 'treasure' can be used as a noun or a verb. The noun, treasure, means the precious gems inside the chest.  Or, when it's a verb, treasure means what we hold dear or cherish.  Change the last letter from an 'e' to a 'y' and you've got Treasury - a place or building where treasure is stored.

In today's passage, in verses 19-21, Jesus talks about treasures.  In fact, he uses the word 3 times:

  • don't store up treasures on earth
  • store up treasures in heaven
  • where you treasure is, there your heart will be also
So, what is in your treasure box on earth?  Is the hope of a new job in there?  An exciting vacation?  An offer of admission to your first college choice?  An engagement ring?  A clean bill of health from the doctor?  A beautiful new home or car?  Unlimited funds for a relaxing retirement?

All of these things, on their own, are not evil.  But if they are our treasure then we're filling our chests with the wrong stuff.  Jesus says that treasures on earth will rust and destroy and thieves will break in and steal them.  They give us temporary pleasure, but they won't last.

Verse 33 gives us a hint for what our treasure box should contain:  Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

So let's prioritize:  God's kingdom and God's righteousness first.  Remember the Lord's Prayer?  Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Yes, Jesus includes in the prayer 'give us today our daily bread,' but it doesn't come first.  His kingdom.  His will.  Those are first.

I've been praying the Lord's Prayer this week after Pastor Steve challenged us to do just that.  I encourage you to try it.  I am focusing on His Kingdom and His Will.  I'm not close to emptying my treasure box of 'my' stuff, but I'm acknowledging that I want God to fill me with a longing to see His kingdom come.  Our world can be a scary place, but God is still in charge, even when things seem dark and awful.  

Lord, help me to see your kingdom, and to grieve with those who grieve and rejoice with those who rejoice  Give me a heart that longs for kingdom treasures.  Amen.  

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