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Thursday, October 10, 2019

I Can See

Now keep this in mind: it was you, not your children, who saw and experienced firsthand all the lessons the Eternal your God taught you. You saw how He demonstrated His majesty and His overwhelming power. You saw the signs He performed in Egypt and everything He sent against Pharaoh the king and everyone in the country. You saw what He did to the Egyptian army, to its horses and its chariots, right when they were chasing you: He drowned them in the Red Sea! The Eternal destroyed them all, and the Egyptian army still hasn’t recovered. You saw how He took care of you in the wilderness and brought you safely to this place. (Deuteronomy 11:2-5 The Voice)

Life is not easy; we were never promised it would be. We are told that it is through the 'not easy' times that we will grow. Our faith will mature, and we will find our pathway to a better life. I know that when I was at my lowest, and I turned to God, I saw Him move. He touched my life and opened my eyes. 

I am so glad I wrote in my journal of all the times I cried out to Him and He responded. I can page though my notes and see how He works. When I forget how good He is to me every day, I simply go to my own record of His goodness and I see where He has been moving. 

I can see how He demonstrates His majesty and power in my life. I can see the signs He performs to keep me going physically, emotionally and spiritually. Looking back over my notes I can see His hand of protection and guidance steering around trouble and pain. Sometimes I see His hand directing me through these difficulties so that I can grow closer to Him.

I have seen in the past how He took care of me in my wilderness. I can see His provision to bring me safely to today, and then tomorrow. I am an eyewitness to His faithfulness, His love and mercy. Because I can see, I can also testify all that I can see.

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