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Friday, October 11, 2019

Money-Back Guarantee

Deuteronomy 28:1-14

If I’m being honest, today’s reading feels like a promotional pitch.  If you heed these commands, your life will be perfect.  Obey the Lord and you will be blessed beyond measure.  The difference between modern day ads for the latest “life changing” products, is that God can and will follow through on his promises.  He doesn’t need a money-back guarantee.

I guess you could say Deuteronomy is one of the earliest marketing campaigns.  God was using Moses to “sell” the people on a life of faith in Him verses wasting their time and energy on false gods.  He wanted them to know the benefits of following him rather than buying into the lies.

So why then does it feel like we’re not always getting what we paid for?  Well, first of all, we didn’t pay for it, He did.  It’s a gift we choose to accept or not.  While God can provide infinite blessings, it doesn’t mean our lives will be nothing but bliss.  Life on earth is hard and struggles are common, but it’s believing in the truth of God’s ability to grant us abundant prosperity, that will sustain us.  Enemies will be defeated.

Life can be cruel and we sometimes become desperate to believe anything that will make the pain go away.  We want a quick fix.  We can either buy into deceptive claims or we can put our faith in the one true God who can transform our pain into prosperity.

My favorite part of today’s reading comes from verse 13, “If you pay attention to the commands of the Lord your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom.

Lord, I want to rise to the top and not be stuck at the bottom.  I know you are the one to fulfill this promise.  To this, I buy in completely.  Take me out of the pit when the time is right and set me on solid ground.  Amen

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