June 30, 2020
In the New Testament, the bronze serpent becomes a metaphor for Jesus. He too was lifted up in order to deliver the people. And just as the God used a snake to deliver people from snake bites, God would use death to give us victory over death. As you study this short passage, reflect on the connections between the savior and the bronze serpent.
Click here to access the reading from John 3:14-15
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Jesus Lifted Up
By Pastor Buff Delcamp
said, “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of
Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in
reference here is to an event in the life of Israel as God was leading them to
the Promised Land. If you don’t know it, turn now and read it in Numbers 21:4-9.
It’s strange. In judgment for the people’s sin, they were bitten with a venom
and were going to die. But all they had to do was look to the snake Moses had
made which he put on a pole. Lying on the desert floor, suffering and near death,
wouldn’t they need some medicine inside? Or at least on the wound? Just a look
and then healing? Yes! We sinners who deserve death are guilty debtors. But
Christ became sin, died our death and paid our debts with His own blood. Thank
You, God! And our response is a “look”, the look of faith.
Faith is
the very key. It is the hand that reaches out and takes the free gift. It is
merely looking to Jesus: turning and seeing Him on the cross and believing. Nothing
besides faith, nothing except faith, no prayer, no religious activity, no good
living… just look, see and say “yes.” Have you? Is pardon and peace yours today?
with the next verse in our reading, John 3:16. The first phrase is the
most important and beautiful in all the Bible. The Lord is good to all; He
has compassion on all He has made (Psalm 145:9). And the demonstration of
this great love is Christ - lifted up on a cross, God’s gracious Gift to the
whole world. Thanks be to God.
Tuesday: TRUTH
In the midst of all the messages being heard, pray for accurate information to drown out false reporting and click-bait tactics.
Tuesday: TRUTH
In the midst of all the messages being heard, pray for accurate information to drown out false reporting and click-bait tactics.
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