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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The Way, the Truth, and the Life

In today’s reading (and in the next two readings) Jesus is preparing the disciples for life after His resurrection and ascension. He tells them that He will be leaving them, but that they can follow. When asked how they can go where He is going, Jesus famously claims, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” As you study the passage consider what it tells you about truth and how we can find it. 


Click here to access the reading from John 14:5-11
For more help use this Bible Study method


A Life Mapped by Truth
by Judy Webb

Lately I have found myself saying, "If I only knew what was true, it wouldn't be so difficult to..." I am referring to wearing a mask, social distancing, and avoiding family and friends. I realize how silly this is, coming from a Christian perspective. I know where to find the truth, and I know this truth is absolute. So, why is it still hard to live apart from those I care about; why is donning a mask so uncomfortable if it really saves lives? And, if these things we are forced to do, which go against our nature, are not true...well that's life, a learning experience at every turn.

I should never be surprised when doubts like this creep into my head. First, Satan is the father of lies and he is always at work in this world. In fact, I believe he is having a huge party right now. Confusion and disarray are tricks of his trade.

Second, I know where to find truth, and it is as simple as turning to scripture. This sounds so very trite, but it is true, nonetheless. When in doubt all I need do is open God's Word and ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom as I read. He will guide me to the very truth God has waiting for me to embrace. With a map like this, how could I ever get lost?

Third, I am not in control. I battle this idea daily. God is in control and everything that is puzzling me right now, is not a puzzle to Him. What’s with this need to manage, to direct my life and others around me? I think it might be a power play. Perhaps because of my childhood, or my teen years, but my peace sometimes translates as my unwillingness to Let go and let God. Once this pandemic has run its course, there will be other things that will challenge me and try to get in the way of my faith life.  

“Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life…”


WEDNESDAY - WISDOM - Pray for wisdom in these times as we all work toward protecting lives. Consider the livelihoods of millions hurt by the economic impact.

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